The San Diego Legal Secretaries Association (SDLSA) was formed on November 7, 1931, with 26 charter members. Virginia Caperton was our first president from that date through November 15, 1933. Louise Cord originated our Employment Committee and this was the very first year of our existence. SDLSA was among the first three associations to form a State Association in California, on December 8, 1934.

May 1946 SAN DIEGO LSA OFFICERS AND BOARD (left to right): (front) Margaret Chapman, Rhoda Valentine Polley, Clara Board; (back) Marian Parks, Lou Troop, Virginia Caperton, Louise Cord, Lillian Imiach.
SDLSA is proud to continue the visions set out by our previous leaders. We are a non-profit mutual benefit corporation; membership is open to persons employed as legal support staff in the office of attorneys who practice law in California. Also eligible for membership are attorneys, persons employed in the courts, and persons employed in other offices or institutions directly engaged in any work of a legal nature in San Diego County.
Our objectives and purposes are to join together for the further education of legal secretaries and to cooperate with attorneys, judges, and bar associations in stimulating a high order of professional standards and ethics among those performing secretarial and other duties in the legal field. We encourage friendship, cooperation, and a free exchange of ideas among members.
All active SDLSA members are affiliated with Legal Professionals, Incorporated (LPI), a statewide organization.