sandiegolegalsecretaries Proudly supporting San Diego’s finest legal secretaries and legal professionals for over 90 years. Grab your lunch and join us virtually on March 28 #SDLSA is getting ready for our next big event! Jo In Memory of Kay J. Thornburg Dear Members, It is Don't forget to sign up for our February events! S Lunch & Learn Alert! Mark your calendars f Thanks for joining us for our State Court updates Congratulations to all the graduates of the 10-wee Grab your lunch and take your break with us on Thu Happy New Year! We hope your holidays were am Have a wonderful holiday season! See you all in th This Thanksgiving, we are grateful for the co Yeehaw! Our Anniversary Party is riding into We have a #WINNER for our dinner ticket for our up #UPDATE Pursuant to Government Code §68106(b)(1), Get ready for a boot-stomping good time on Novembe Yeehaw! Don’t miss out on the SDLSA's 9 Save the Date! On November 25th, we’re cele We're wrapping up October with our next Membership Our next Lunch & Learn is coming up - Ethical Issu Cooler weather, earlier evenings, #pumpkin everyth Load More Follow on Instagram